He holds our hand
My 3-year old son, Luke and I were enjoying ourselves recently, hiking in the dry creek bed near our house. Hiking is one of the many outdoor activities my husband and children and I often enjoy together, living in the “woods” of the beautiful Texas Hill Country. What a blessing this place is! In the creek bed, there is one area covered mostly with small, smooth rocks that is easy to navigate over. As the hike progresses, however, the terrain suddenly changes into very large, rough boulders. Once we come to this stretch of the hike, mommy must hold little Luke’s little hand as we climb over them, to avoid him slipping and injuring a knee, an elbow, or even worse, his head!
Luke loves to pick every flower he sees, for me. He thinks they are all beautiful and that his mommy should have all of them. On this particular day, he was cherishing a dandelion he had picked and was holding it tightly in his hand. Upon reaching the rough boulders, I reached down to grab his hand but I could not get a tight grip on it. Luke had his little hand closed, like a ball around this “weed” he called a flower. I explained to him that in order for mommy to protect him from slipping on the rocks and getting hurt, he must drop the flower and allow me to hold his hand the right way, tightly and securely. So, with some hesitation, he did what I asked and let go of what he thought was important and slipped his small hand into mine. As he watched the flower drop to the ground, in that moment, he realized it was not worth holding onto if it meant risk of injury. It was also in that moment when the Holy Spirit spoke so clearly to my heart. He said, “This is how it is with you. You try to hold onto things that you think are beautiful and important, but I am saying, let go of those things so that I can grab your hand, tightly and securely. The path of life is full of bumpy rocks and boulders and you must allow me to hold onto you as we cross over them, together. Don’t hold so tightly to the things of this world that can get in the way of what I have for you. They are not worth it. My plan is so much better. Drop those things so you can grab onto me!”
Father knows best, doesn’t He? He is standing there, arms outstretched, in our direction. He wants us to grab on and live our life in Him, safely resting in the palm of His hand.
Psalm 73:23-28
"Yet I still belong to you; you hold my right hand. You guide me with your counsel, leading me to a glorious destiny. Whom have I in heaven but you? I desire you more than anything on earth. My health may fail, and my spirit may grow weak, but God remains the strength of my heart; he is mine forever. Those who desert him will perish, for you destroy those who abandon you. But as for me, how good it is to be near God! I have made the Sovereign Lord my shelter, and I will tell everyone about the wonderful things you do."