Monday, July 27, 2009

The "Previous" grace of God

"Before David ever sinned with Bathsheba, God knew what would happen. Just as before God ever created the world, God knew Adam and Eve would sin. God knew death would enter the world through their sin, and in His grace God made provision for man's sin - the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit had a plan for the redemption of mankind made in their image. Jesus would be the Lamb of God, slain before the foundation of the world! Salvation has always been by grace, because God in all His holiness, righteousness, and justice is also a God of love, a God of grace. Where sin abounded, grace abounded even more. It's lavish, extravagant grace. It is previous grace! So shall we sin that more grace might come? God forbid! Grace is not a license to sin; rahter, it is power not to sin and love that covers it when we do."

- Kay Arthur

After grasping the astonishing concept of "previous grace" through the Bible Study, Anointed, Transformed, Redeemed - A Study of David, I was blown away! Had I ever stopped to think that God knew the sins I would commit, before I committed them. He knew every one and He already had grace in mind before I was ever born. He knew I would follow the rocky, bumpy, frustrating and at times, painful path of rebellion against Him for as long as I did. He prepared His grace for me, in advance of my sin! Is that love or what?!? No other love compares to this love! Nothing and no one could ever love me like this or ever forgive me like this. There is no one like God! I am especially thankful for the "previous grace" of my Heavenly Father!

Praise His Holy name, forever and ever!

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