Friday, November 21, 2008


"Humble yourselves, therefore under God's mighty hand" 1 Peter 5:6

Pride is an ugly sin. It is something that has infiltrated my life in so many areas. For years I did not even realize it was a sin, much less the negative affects it was having on my relationship with God and with others. Pride is a root sin, leading to so many others, including anger and control issues. It is something that I must, almost daily, take measures against, to keep it out of my life. Though I have now recognized the impact of it, I will always pray to God to keep myself from falling back into the stronghold of pride. I don't know about you, but I would much rather humble myself, than have God do it for me!

Beth Moore has some amazing things to say about this sin. Here are some of her thoughts from her book, "Praying God's Word" that I must share with you:

Pride is Satan's specialty. It is the characteristic that most aptly describes him. Pride is the issue that had him expelled from heaven. It is still one of Satan's most successful tools in discouraging people from accepting the gospel of Jesus Christ. The most effective means the enemy has to keep believers from being full of the Spirit is to keep us full of ourselves. Pride is the opposite of humility. It can also mask itself as low self-esteem. Pride is self-absorption whether we're absorbed with how miserable we are or how wonderful we are. I believe we can safely say that if we're not deliberately taking measures to combat pride, it's probably doing something to combat humility.

I'd like to share a little added initiative to demolishing the stronghold of pride. These are some thoughts God gave me on the subject several years ago. May He use them to speak about the biggest injustice of pride: it cheats wherever it plays.

My name is Pride. I am a cheater,
I cheat you of your God-given destiny....because
you demand your own way.
I cheat you of contentment.....because you
"deserve better than this."
I cheat you of knowledge.....because you already
know it all.
I cheat you of healing.....because you're too full of
me to forgive.
I cheat you of holiness.....because you refuse to
admit when you're wrong.
I cheat you of vision...because you'd rather look
in the mirror than out a window.
I cheat you of genuine friendship...because
nobody's going to know the real you.
I cheat you of love...because real romance
demands sacrifice.
I cheat you of greatness in heaven...because you
refuse to wash another's feet on earth.
I cheat you of God's glory...because I convince
you to seek your own.
My name is Pride. I am a cheater.
You like me because you think I'm always looking
out for you. Untrue.
I'm looking to make a fool of you.
God has so much for you, I admit, but don't worry........
If you'll stick with me
You'll never know.

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