Sunday, January 18, 2009

Whom have I in heaven but you?

Psalm 73:23-28

"Yet I still belong to you; you hold my right hand. You guide me with your counsel, leading me to a glorious destiny. Whom have I in heaven but you? I desire you more than anything on earth. My health may fail, and my spirit may grow weak, but God remains the strength of my heart; he is mine forever. Those who desert him will perish, for you destroy those who abandon you. But as for me, how good it is to be near God! I have made the Sovereign Lord my shelter, and I will tell everyone about the wonderful things you do."

Lord, thank you for these wonderful Psalms! Thank you that in our times of need, we can cry out to you "Abba Father" and you will be our shelter. What in the world would I do without you! You are my everything! Thank you that you are mine, forever! How reassuring that although our time on this earth will come and go, we will be with you for eternity! You will forever be the strength of my heart.

I love you Jesus!


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