Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Why are we so shocked?

Ok, I must follow up yesterday's posting with this profound response from my beautiful and wise Aunt Beverly. Amen to what she is saying here!!

I could not agree more. I know it is a lack of faith that we are not healed of many diseases and discomforts. Jesus is the same Jesus today as he was when he walked on earth and healed the sick. He tells us we have this power as well if we will only believe. For example the woman who had been bleeding for years and she had enough faith that she would be healed just by touching the hem of Jesus' garmet. Yes satan delights in whispering negatives in our ears and we all too often listen. Praise God you have been healed and have more faith. Why are we so shocked when we are healed or some miracle occurs? Because we don't have the faith & belief that it can occur.

Love you,


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