Well, you haven't heard from me in almost a week. This is because I was experiencing computer problems that left me with no internet connection. This forced me to take an involuntary sabbatical from my computer. What began as a frustrating time, turned out to be a wonderful blessing. Without the temptation of checking my e-mail, I was freed up to spend more of my time with God, and with my family. He showed me that I was spending way too much of my time tied to my computer. Not that the computer is a bad thing in and of itself but, I was allowing it to come between me and my precious time with my Heavenly Father! Wow, He knows exactly what I need, when I need it.
Of course, His timing is so perfect! He gifted me with the pleasure of spending this past Saturday on a day-retreat with a few other sisters in Christ and Him. In my 3 hours of quiet time with just God and myself, He revealed some amazing things to me. First and foremost, that He wants me to spend much more quiet time with Him. He is jealous for my time and attention. I am so thankful for His gentle conviction about this. Of all the beautiful things I experienced and heard at this retreat, these words , prepared by a friend, were the words that God chose to use to reveal a deeper level of his amazing love for me:
"My Daughter, in these hours of solitude that you have chosen to set apart for Me, be assured that I will be found by you, if you search for Me with your whole heart and soul. As you seek Me in prayer, in rest, and in My Living Breathing Word, may you sense My presence and My love surrounding you. May you be filled and controlled by My Spirit. Come to Me, My Daughter, and I will give you rest. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle, and you will find rest for your soul. You are precious to Me. You are honored, and I love you."
(Deuteronomy 4:29, Ephesians 5:18b, Matthew 11:28a & 29b, Isaiah 43:4b)
I hope these words are a blessing for you as well!
Wow, God is good!!
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