Last week, my husband and I celebrated our 9th wedding anniversary. Every year, we go out on a dinner date and then come home and watch our wedding video. Keep in mind, we got married in St. Lucia, on the beach at a Sandal's Resort. Needless to say, it was a short and sweet wedding and the video is only about 15 minutes long. The video ends with Tony and I dancing to a song at our "reception" there at the resort.
We decided this year to start a new tradition of watching the video with our children, as a family. They just loved it!! My daughter, Loren, is extremely imaginative and is always asking to try on my wedding dress and "act out" the wedding pictures she sees of mommy and daddy around the house. So, during the video, she put on my wedding dress and had little brother Luke put on Tony's "wedding" suit jacket that he also saved. They pretended like they were the bride and groom and did their wedding "dance." It was so precious to see them so excited to be a part of our wedding day. I can see that they totally "get it" already. Despite our every day short-comings as parents, our children are so secure in their family! They are so secure in our marriage and the love that Tony and I have for each other. At that sweet moment, I felt a huge "hug from God!" He just reminded me that in spite of the mistakes I made in my past, He has gifted me with a wonderful husband and marriage and absolutely beautiful children. I was overwhelmed with the fact that everything good we have, comes from Him, right down to the air we breathe!
Wow, thank you Lord that you love me that much!
2 Corinthians 9:15
"Thank God for this gift too wonderful for words!"
1 comment:
Wow! How precious! May you and your family continue to know God's amazing favor and blessings! We are big "Silva Family" fans!!! :)
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