Friday, April 3, 2009

You were in His Prayers

Just a few hours ago, as I spent an absolutely glorious morning with God, outside in the fresh morning air, watching the sunrise, I was overwhelmed by what He has done for me! With Easter coming up, the sacrifice of Jesus is all the more real to me. Not that I don't live every day with the realization of what He did for me on the cross, but Easter provides a grand opportunity to celebrate it! It just makes me want to shout from the rooftops the meaning of what He did.

I've never come across such a beautiful illustration of what Jesus did until I read this morning's devotional by Max Lucado from his book, "And the Angels Were Silent." In it he says:

"The final prayer of Jesus was about you. His final pain was for you. His final passion was for you. Before he went to the cross, Jesus went to the garden. And when he spoke with his Father, you were in his prayers....

And God couldn't turn his back on you. He couldn't because he saw you, and one look at you was all it took to convince him. Right there in the middle of a world which isn't fair. He saw you cast into a river of life you didn't request. He saw you betrayed by those you love. He saw you with a body which gets sick and a heart which grows weak....

On the eve of the cross, Jesus made his decision. He would rather go to hell for you than go to heaven without you."

Luke 22:41
"Then Jesus went about a stone's throw away from them. He kneeled down and prayed."

Jesus made the choice to die on the cross for us. He didn't have to go through with it but He understood He was sent to this earth to do His Father's will. And it is the will of God in Heaven that every person on this earth would come to know Him as their personal savior, through the incredible sacrifice of His son. What a treasure, a gift this is for us! I encourage you to not only accept it, but grab hold of it!!

Love in Christ,

1 comment:

eph2810 said...

Amen to that Brandi. I just love how Max Lucado brings it to the heart. It is amazing to me that Jesus went through with it. And when reading the prayer in John, it just gives me goose-bumps knowing that He also meant me :)

Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts.